Name: Hadrian Willem Marcus
Age: 42
Height: 6’2”
Build: Meduim
Hair: Sandy
brown (and receding)
Eyes: Green
Distinguishing Features: Plasma burn on right shoulder,
fading scars on left hand and arm
Childhood: Hadrian grew up in the midst of great wealth on
the Core world of Arden. His family
is descended from some of the first colonists and prominent in business and
government. Of his relatives, the one he was closest to was his (great) Uncle Irv (deceased). Unca Irv was CEO of General Atomics and Hadrian lived with him
full-time after the age of 11. He had a good relationship with his parents but Unca Irv and he enjoyed each
other’s company and Hadrian’s parents hoped to inherit some of Irv’s fortune. The future rebel was curious about
everything, especially history and the vast ships being created for the
newly-born Alliance. His odd sense
of humor was tolerated by the elder generations but his cousins disliked
wondering if he was making a joke at their expense.
Adulthood: Hadrian excelled at history and earned a doctorate
by the time he was 23. He worked on post-doctorate degrees while teaching and
drifting into the college Independence Movement. It appealed to his sense of
history and decency and he could see what the concentration of power was
already doing to the Core as well as his family. Relations with his family
steadily worsened for the three years of his growing influence in the Movement until
he was only talking to Irv. When the Alliance
attempted to take over the Dillon system, Hadrian joined the Indie army.

War: Hadrian was made a captain and participated in the
retaking of Dillon. Marcus quickly proved to have a flair for unusual tactics
that the Alliance never seemed to
pick up on. As the Indie armies took system after system, he gathered a
reputation of being able to achieve difficult objectives with minimal loss of
life on either side. He was eventually given an independent command of a marine
company and a mixture of demolition/information warfare/combat engineer
platoons as well as the use of a massive superfreighter
for commando raids. Among his actions was the destruction of the Arden
shipyards and capturing the command staff of the Fifth Fleet. He learned of the
massive defeat at Hera while securing the Alliance
supply depot at Latrobe and kept taking objectives as the Indie movement
collapsed. While conducting a raid on a POW camp, the freighter and the crew he
had come to care for was destroyed by an Alliance
destroyer. It was at this point that Hadrian started to lose perspective.
Although the war was no longer winnable, he conducted more and more desperate
attempts to strike at Alliance
facilities. While Unification Day took place six months after Hera, Colonel
Marcus and a small group of diehards kept fighting for another six months.
Marcus realized it was time to surrender when an entire Fleet was brought into
the Aurora system to trap him in
the system. Within a month, he was reduced to hiding in a small canyon network
on Drev and surrendered when he learned the Alliance had brought in tanker
drones to flood the system with an explosive gas; without so much as a
helicopter, there was no way to escape and he surrendered himself and the
forty-seven soldiers left under his command with the agreement that they would
receive the standard amnesty agreement.
Postwar: The Alliance
lied. Hadrian served seven years in prison and, when released, discovered that
the Alliance has confiscated his
inheritance from Unca Irv, his
family had disowned him, he was banned from teaching or any university library
and was banished from the Core for ten years. His uncle’s former Companion had
managed to secure a heirloom, a snapshot and a small
bag of gold that Hadrian managed to use his ability at poker to earn enough to
buy a broken-down ship. He is currently smuggling and delivering legitimate
cargo for the system’s crime lord, Gizmo, while he learns the ropes and makes

Personality: Hadrian Marcus is a man adrift. He is a scholar
that can never study or conduct research, a commander without an army, a war
hero who fought for the wrong side and a normally calm and rational man who
occasionally loses control. He recently beat a bounty hunter unconscious when
he discovered the hunter had stolen Hadrian’s only heirloom, an ancient gun
from Earth-that was. He is a man of honor working for thieves and bad men. He
manages to cover much of this tension with dry wit and massive amounts of
coffee but fears that something will happen soon and he’ll break completely.